As you know, I struggled yesterday. My period started two days earlier than expected and the physical as well as mental symptoms were overwhelming. Deep down, I was secretly clinging onto the futile thought that I could still be pregnant but that thought vanished as the evening progressed. I feel calmer today so what helped?
1. I knew deep down that these feeling would pass and tomorrow would be better. Why did I know this? Well, after a good night’s sleep, things generally do seem better and I can’t be surprised by my period starting two days in a row!
2. Gratitude for my kind and loving husband. I was reminded by just how lovely he is. He really looked after me yesterday and I am lucky to have him. With or without children, I need to appreciate him more and try my best to ensure we have a nice life together.
3. I didn’t set my alarm and woke up naturally this morning and I actually felt rested.
4. I ate a healthy breakfast and felt the better for it.
5. I created a rough plan for the day based on tasks that I wanted to complete and whether I would feel satisfied if I completed them. These tasks included: laundry, planting seeds, going through work emails, clearing out cupboards and an exercise video. Nothing out of the ordinary but satisfying to me.
6. When I felt the storm clouds of worry approaching, I closed my eyes and stopped the thoughts and said to myself, “This isn’t going to help.” To my surprise, this was enough to stop the anxious thoughts and dispel the grey.
7. I also have my first fertility counselling session tomorrow. I am unsure about what to expect but I am looking forward to it. I'm hoping it will allow me to feel more in control of my emotions.
8. I have smiled and laughed today. What made me laugh? My cat!
